Oracle has an interesting package to provide an event-based logic named dbms_alert. In this article I will use it to create a classic queue processing.
First, we need to create a simple table, which store queue message ID and creation time.
create table t_queue ( id_queue number primary key, d_add timestamp default systimestamp not null );
And a sequence to generate an ID for every message.
create sequence seq_t_queue;
The Idea:
Process #1 creates a message and waiting for an answer. At the same time process #2 reading a message, doing some stuff, and replying. Process #1 receive reply and feeling happy.
Let’s create a handler procedure.
create or replace procedure sendRandom is l_id_queue t_queue.id_queue%type; l_cur sys_refcursor; l_random number; begin loop open l_cur for select id_queue from t_queue order by d_add asc for update skip locked; fetch l_cur into l_id_queue; if l_id_queue is not null then delete from t_queue where id_queue = l_id_queue; l_random := dbms_random.value; dbms_alert.signal(l_id_queue, l_random); commit; else rollback; dbms_lock.sleep(0.1); end if; end loop; end sendRandom;
And run an infinity job for a handler.
begin dbms_scheduler.create_job( job_name => 'job_queue_thread_1' ,job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK' ,job_action => 'begin sendRandom; end;' ,start_date => systimestamp ,end_date => NULL ,enabled => TRUE ); end;
This procedure pulling the oldest message and blocking it. You need to block it in case you have >1 parallel handler processes. Next, procedure generate random value and send reply using l_id_queue as event name.
As you probably already thought, you should not use infinite cycles on real projects. A good solution would be to have a process manager adaptively spawning jobs with limit lifetime.
If you want to recompile procedure while job is running, first stop a job or it will hang infinetly.
Job is running, so we can create our first queue message.
declare c_id_queue constant number := seq_t_queue.nextval; l_status number; l_answer varchar2(64); begin insert into t_queue(id_queue) values (c_id_queue); commit; dbms_alert.register(c_id_queue); dbms_alert.waitone(c_id_queue, l_answer, l_status, 5); if l_status = 0 then commit; dbms_output.put_line('Success: '||l_answer); else rollback; dbms_output.put_line('Timeout'); end if; end;
Here, we are creating new message and commiting it. Next we register our process using c_id_queue as event name and waiting for a 5 seconds. If handler will success processing our message, we will get a random number into l_answer variable.